Foods, Habits, and Mindsets For Fat Loss

It’s no secret that donuts and pizza pack on the pounds. It’s also no secret that building lean muscle takes work. But as clear cut as these facts are, there are many other fat loss tips, and facts that get overlooked and forgotten about.

Eating smart, training efficiently, and remembering that every calorie burned counts, is just the foundation of an all-around healthy lifestyle.

If you want to shed unwanted body fat and keep it off, then these tips are for you:

Eat More Protein
In addition to leaving you feeling fuller longer, increased protein intake will also help you build and keep muscle mass. Protein even helps you to pack on the gains when you’re cutting body fat. Make sure you are getting enough to sustain you so that all that time doing cardio doesn't burn away your hard earned muscle!

Spread Out Your Protein Intake
I firmly believe (and science backs me on this) that timing is everything when it comes to your meals. Spread out your protein intake so you are getting 30+ grams (depending on your size) every few hours or so in order to maximize protein synthesis.

Eat Leafy Greens
Green is the healthiest color you can eat. Kale is rich in antioxidants and has cancer-preventing power, spinach is high in iron, and bok choy is packed with immune-system-boosting vitamin A. And all greens help you shed fat.

Time Your Starches
Save healthy starches for post-workout meals/snacks. Simple carbs are critical for the recovery and muscle-growth process because your body is severely depleted of both glucose and glycogen after a workout. Both of which are needed for energy, and muscle recovery and growth.

Eat Volume, Not Calorie Dense Foods
Eating foods that are nutrient-dense and not calorie-dense will keep you full, but won’t pack on the lbs. Spinach, lettuce, and broccoli are examples of foods you can eat in high volumes without maxing out on your daily calorie requirements.

Drink Plenty Of Water, And Then Some
I like to aim for 4-5 liters (at least 1 gallon) per day. My clients know just how important it is to consume plenty of water every day. Drinking throughout the day helps your body burn extra calories while you hydrate. Skimp on the water and your body is more likely to hold onto stored fat. One downside.... more than a few trips to the bathroom.

Don’t Decrease/Eliminate Healthy Fats
Eating fat doesn’t make you fat and low-fat diets are a big mistake. Not only do fats provide your body with energy, they also help with vitamin transportation and absorption.

Meal Prep
Meal prep is essential for helping you eat regularly and keeping you from skipping meals. Prepping your meals a few days ahead of time also helps you stick to your diet and avoid cheat meals. Start prepping your meals and I guarantee you’ll see change.

Get Rid Of Bad Habits
Easier said than done, right? Here’s the thing, keeping junk food around won’t help you resist temptation. Why unnecessarily test your will power? Get rid of all the chips, sugary drinks, ice cream, and other processed foods from your kitchen.

Read Food Labels!
Keep in mind the following:
Protein = 4 calories/gram
Carbohydrates = 4 calories/gram
Fat = 9 calories/gram

But don’t stop at the protein, carb, and fat content. Read the entire list of ingredients. You’ll be amazed at how many foods are loaded with high fructose corn syrup or sodium. Both of which pack on the lbs.

Increase Your Reps
Skipping out on high-rep training isn’t a good idea. The easiest way to hold on to lean mass while dieting is to remind your body that it needs all the muscle it has. High-rep training stimulates all muscle fibers – both slow and fast twitch.

Eat Good Fats
Fats found in whole grains, seeds, nuts, and fish, aid in brain development and blood clotting. Balance your fat intake by eating unsaturated fats as well – olive oil, nuts, flaxseed, etc.

Incorporate Compound Movements In Your Training
The benefits of compound movements are that they allow you to lift heavier weights, use more muscles, and burn more calories. Start incorporating them into every training session. (example: Squats and Deadlifts)

Increase Overall Physical Activity
When you’re trying to drop body fat, every calorie you burn helps get you one step closer to your goal. Increase your daily activity and burn more calories. Skip the elevator and take the stairs, walk to the store, get a standing desk at work and spend more time outside.

Increase Your Cardio Progressively
Progressively adding training and cardio volume as needed gives your body the best chance for long-term weight-loss success. This is something I work with all my clients on, throughout their programs. Personally I love the stair stepper. Keeps you engaged and it totally kicks my butt!

Don’t Skimp On BCAAs
BCAAs make up 35% of your muscle mass and must be present for molecular growth to take place. Drinking BCAAs during training can help you burn more fat when your carbohydrates are low.

Starts Incorporating HIIT
Interval sprints done as part of HIIT are a proven fat-loss strategy. Two or three 20-minute sessions burn a great deal more calories in a short amount of time and kick starts your metabolism. Try 1:30min strong jog followed by :30 all out sprint. Do 5 rounds and see how you feel. Not to hard? Play with speed and number of rounds as you get more fit!

Don’t Forget Your Pre- And Post-Workout Nutrition
No matter how you train, what you eat and when you eat make the difference between meeting your goals and falling short. Eating before a workout is the best way to improve energy levels, I like the hour and a half to 2 hour window before working. Post-workout protein is essential in helping kick start muscle repair, recovery, and growth.

Incorporate Aerobic Conditioning
Steady-state cardio is a must for overall health. When it comes to improving your overall fitness levels, aerobic work strengthens your hearts ability to pump blood so that you can train harder and recover better. Try to keep your heart rate between 120-140bpm.

Have A Cheat Meal
Instead of eliminating entire food groups from your diet, which can cause you to want to binge, find a way to enjoy the foods you like in moderation. Cheat MEAL not cheat DAY. Find ways to fit it into your daily calories by budgeting throughout the day.

Be Consistent
A week in the gym, followed by a week of lounging around does not get you the results you’re looking for. Dedication is a must when it comes to anything in life, health and fitness included. Find a good balance of training days to rest days.

Keep A Lifting Tempo (Time Under Tension)
Keep a controlled and deliberate tempo when lifting. A consistent tempo creates greater metabolic stress, which leads to better body composition changes.

Don’t Be Hard On Yourself When You Fall Short
We all have off-days and sometimes they turn into off-weeks. It happens. But focusing on your shortcomings won’t help you shed the weight. Instead of focusing on a failed week, get back to it and make the next one count!