Effects of Carbohydrates and Protein on the Body

You could spend all-day, every day in a gym, however if you do not have a healthy, well balanced diet to provide you with essential nutrients, you will never achieve the body you dream of having. Two of the most important of these nutrients are carbohydrates and proteins. Although carbohydrates and proteins are essential components of your diet, it is important to remember that they affect your body in different ways. Carbohydrates are typically used for energy, whereas proteins are broken down to help your body make new proteins.

Carbohydrate Metabolism

Carbohydrates are used as the primary energy source for the body. When you eat foods that contain carbohydrates, your digestive system breaks them down into sugars, which are then absorbed into your bloodstream. Your cells import some of the sugar from your blood and use it for energy. Increases in blood sugar levels prompt your pancreas to secrete insulin, a hormone that helps your muscle, fat and liver cells pull up sugar from your blood. If you consume too much sugar, it is then converted into triglycerides, which are stored as fat.

Protein Metabolism

One of the main roles of protein is to allow your body to make new proteins. All proteins are made up of smaller units known as amino acids. Some amino acids, known as "essential" amino acids, cannot be made by the body, so you must get them from your diet. They include:

·       Phenylalanine

·       Valine*

·       Leucine* 

·       Isoleucine*

·       Lysine

·       Threonine

·       Tryptophan

·       Methionine.

*Branched Chain Amino Acids or BCAA supplementation is common for people with low protein intake and can promote muscle protein synthesis and increase muscle growth over time. It can also be used to prevent fatigue in novice athletes.

Protein as Energy Source

In addition to its role in supplying your body with the building blocks for protein synthesis, protein can also serve as a source of energy. Some of the amino acids in your body can be burned as a fuel source if needed, and when you consume more protein than you need, your body can convert these amino acids into sugars or other molecules to build up your energy reserves.

It is important to remember that consuming too much of ANY nutrient (i.e. protein or carbohydrate), your body will start to store it as fat.

Effects on Thermogenesis

Consuming carbohydrates and proteins also increases the speed at which your body burns calories. When you eat, your metabolism increases because you generate more body heat, a process known as thermogenesis. However, proteins and carbohydrates increase thermogenesis at different rates.